A diary entry, some emails, the inexplicable clarifies
A mathematical diary entry of Mon 13th December 2004 will do more than anything I believe to explain the next step; I quote the entry
as written:
Is the general result simply a question of '1' relationships? Meaning: If p is a prime such that
, {
some primes (none = 3) such that
mod p). And conversely? (Surely not�; but nevertheless: investigate!
) "
In other words : if prime p satisfies
, all
and the {
} divide into two, (necessarily disjoint) sets of primes or prime powers (since a prime may occur to a certain multiplicity in the factorisation of
, such that
differ by 1, does it follow that
mod p
)? And conversely?
On the evening of Wed 15th Dec I finally got round to investigating that question. I will be frank and admit I thought it all simply too-good-to-be-true; surely - I thought - I would find a counterexample fairly early amongst my found Jacobi primes. And that's precisely what I set out to do: find an early counterexample�
Earlier that evening, before leaving my college, I sent the following email to Andrew Granville :
From: John Cosgrave [[email protected]]
Sent: 15 December 2004 19:06
To: Andrew Granville (E-mail)
Subject: p=1 mod 3, (((p-1)/3)!)^3 mod p: some beautiful (re?)discoveries
Dear Andrew,
You are the only person to whom I am writing about the matter below (unless you direct me elsewhere). In the past three weeks I've made some of the most beautiful discoveries of my life, and it is hard for me to believe they haven't already been made. I've got to a point where I really need to know, before the disappointment factor gets to be too great.
First, the standard background to what I've been doing: Wilson's theorem, and the classic consequences (due to Lagrange?) that
1. (((p-1)/2)!)^2 = -1 (mod p), for p = 1 (mod 4)
2. (((p-1)/2)!)^2 = 1 (mod p), for p = 3 (mod 4)
From #2 one has ((p-1)/2)! = +1/-1 (mod p), for p = 3 (mod 4), and the (still I presume unsolved?) problem of determining the sign by some *simple* criterion.
All of that is to do with dividing the interval [1, p-1] into two reflecting half-intervals
[1, (p-1)/2] and [(p-1)/2+1, p-1]. Now to move on to what I've stumbled upon in recent weeks.
For p = 1 (mod 3), divide the interval [1, p-1] into three equi-numerous blocks. Let I[1,3](p), I[2,3](p) and I[3,3](p) be the intervals [1, (p-1)/3], [(p-1)/3 + 1, 2*((p-1)/3)], and [2*(p-1)/3+1, p-1], and let P[1,3](p), P[2,3](p) and P[3,3](p) be the products of the residues in I[1,3](p), I[2,3](p) and I[3,3](p); then, by Wilson's theorem, we have:
P[1,3](p)*P[2,3](p)*P[3,3](p) = -1 (mod p) ... (a)
and, since P[1,3](p) = P[3,3](p) (mod p), then (a) becomes:
(P[1,3](p)^2)*P[2,3](p) = -1 (mod p) ... (b)
P[1,3](p) is of course ((p-1)/3)! There are then these equivalences:
E1. P[1,3](p) = P[2,3](p) (mod p) <=> (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = -1 (mod p) ... (i)
(if the latter happens, either ((p-1)/3)! = -1 (mod p) or P[1,3]^2 - P[1,3] + 1 = 0 (mod p))
E2. P[1,3](p) = -P[2,3](p) (mod p) <=> (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p) ... (ii)
(if the latter happens, either ((p-1)/3)! = 1 (mod p) or P[1,3]^2 + P[1,3] + 1 = 0 (mod p))
The obvious questions are then: when (if ever) do (i) or (ii) happen? More importantly: is there anything interesting/beautiful going on? I believe I have made some truly beautiful discoveries, and I think you know me well enough - albeit only by email - to know I would not waste your time by telling you something trivial.
Several years ago I had a look at the above, but then only the following special case versions of (i) and (ii), namely
((p-1)/3)! = -1 (mod p) ... (i') and ((p-1)/3)! = 1 (mod p) ... (ii')
At that time I found *no* example of (i') happening (I believe it is impossible, but cannot for the life of me prove it. Am I missing something obvious? I have checked all p = 1 (mod 3) out to 3 million), but several examples of (ii'). The primes p up to 1 million for which (ii') happens are p = 3571, 4219, 13669, 25117, 55897, 89269, 102121, 170647, 231019, 246247,251431, 347821, 360187, 398581, 452797, 603457, 611557, 879667, 909151 (I looked to see if they are listed in Sloane's On-Line Encyclopaedia; they aren't there, not that that proves anything...)
When I looked at the early ones of those several years ago, I had the wit to consider the prime factorisations of (p-1), and noticed something going on, but completely failed to notice something else, something stunning (well, to me at any rate), which I'll tell you in a moment):
p = 3571, p-1 = 2*3*5*7*17
p = 4219, p-1 = 2*3*19*37
p = 13669, p-1 = (2^2)*3*17*67
p = 25117, p-1 = (2^2)*3*7*13*23
p = 55879, p-1 = (2^3)*3*17*137
p = 89269, p-1 = (2^2)*3*43*173
p = 102121, p-1 = (2^3)*3*5*23*37
p = 170647, p-1 = 2*3*7*17*239
(One obvious thing that jumped out was that '3' occurred only to the first power in the p-1 factorisation. Is that obviously true? I couldn't see then why it should be true.) It stuck out a mile that
37 = -1 (mod 19) in the p = 4219 case, that
67 = 1 (mod 17) in the p = 13669 case, that
137 = 1 (mod 17) in the p = 55879 case, and that
173 = 1 (mod 43) in the p = 89269 case,
but similar congruences didn't *appear* to be happening in the other cases (now I know what I missed with those), and although I sensed that something 'must be up', I just couldn't see it, and moved on...
Now, starting on Tues 23rd Nov - when I decided to return to this again - the floodgates fairly opened...
I had failed to notice the *quotients* in those congruences:
37 = 2*19 - 1 in the p = 4219 case
67 = 4*17 + 1 in the p = 13669 case
137 = 8*17 + 1 in the p = 55879 case
173 = 4*43 + 1 in the p = 89269 case
and those quotients - all powers of 2 - are the *exact* contribution of '2' in the corresponding prime factorisations of (p-1). Now, though, I had widened my net from earlier years, and had now extended my search for primes p satisfying E1(i) or E2(ii). No prime p yielded an example with (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = -1 (mod p), but there were now examples of (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p), with order(((p-1)/3)!, p) = 3. Here are the first several examples:
p = 7, p-1 = 2*3, ((p-1)/3)! = 2 (mod p)
p = 61, p-1 = (2^2)*3*5, ((p-1)/3)! = -14 (mod p)
p = 331, p-1 = 2*3*5*11, ((p-1)/3)! = -32 (mod p)
p = 547, p-1 = 2*3*7*13, ((p-1)/3)! = 40 (mod p)
p = 1951, p-1 = 2*3*(5^2)*13, ((p-1)/3)! = 76 (mod p)
There, too, there were subset examples of the same power-of-2 quotients, which led me to wonder this: let p be a prime of the form (2^a)*3*q[1]*q[2] + 1, with q[1] > 3 and q[2] = (2^a)*q[1] +/-1, is it true that (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p).
Before I even began to calculate I felt absolutely certain that it would be true (and it is!, I can't resist telling you) because the discriminant of the resulting quadratic in q[1] *felt right*:
p = (2^a)*3*q[1]*q[2] + 1 = (2^a)*3*q[1]*((2^a)*q[1] +/-1) + 1
= (2^(2*a))*q[1]^2 +/- (2^a)*q[1] + 1
so clearly must be related to the *mod p* cube-roots of 1: 1, (-1 +/-sqrt(-3))/2.
Yes, of course I calculated, and in every single case (of scores tested - way beyond the 1 million mark for p) it transpired that (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p). For example, p = 15085747969 = (2^8)*3*277*70913 + 1, and 70913 = (2^8)*277 + 1. (Incidentally, the checking of that took 45.5 hours on a 2.8GHz Pentium 4)
I could tell you of many other things I've fallen upon, but (and I'm not being coy, merely saving you having to read...) I can't but resist two:
One. When (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p), with order(((p-1)/3)!, p) = 3, then not only is P[1,3]^2 + P[1,3] + 1 = a multiple of p, as it must be, BUT P[1,3]^2 + P[1,3] + 1 (*appears to be*) = 3*p
Two (this is one that really moved me, when it fell into place). In trying to make a proof of the (p, q[1], q[2]) result - of course I can't prove it, though I do have *some* ideas, and I do believe I'll get there in the end - I fell upon this (I could tell you how it happened, I have it all written down on reams and reams of paper): it *appeared* to me that when (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p) happens, THEN setting ((p-1)/3)^3 (NO FACTORIAL MISSING there) = R (mod p), 0 < R < p, R is a SQUARE. Initially that jumped out at me when I was pondering the example p = 331 (recall from above that p = 331, p-1 = 2*3*5*11, ((p-1)/3)! = -32 (mod p)); there one has 110! = 49 (mod 331). It wasn't that I merely 'saw' that the residue of ((331-1)/3)^3 mod 331 was 49, but in looking with reason at consecutive congruent cubes mod 331 (they happen to be 10^3 and 11^3) I saw this: 10^3 = 7 (mod 331) and 11^3 = 7 mod 331, AND 10*11 = 110; that's what I 'saw', which threw my eye to the final cubic residue...
That immediately made me wonder about the other primes p I had collected for which (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p). Checking ALL examples that I already had, the same phenomenon happened, and made me wonder (surely not I thought): would the condition ((p-1)/3)^3 = r^2 (mod p), 0 < r^2 < p, FORCE (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p) to HAPPEN (a *polynomial* condition forcing a MASSIVE *factorial* consequence...)
So I computed ALL primes p up to wherever that satisfied ((p-1)/3)^3 = r^2 (mod p), 0 < r^2 < p, and it didn't surprise me that there were ones that weren't in my list of those with (((p-1)/3)!)^3 = 1 (mod p). They, too, are rare, and here are the first several: 109, 139, 433, 673, 1279, 1543, ... . For example: p = 1543, here 514! = 20^2 (mod 1543).
My disappointment turned to JOY though, when I noticed that there was a fundamental difference between the two cases: the earlier ones were ALL ODD squares, while the 'extra' ones were ALL EVEN squares... I was absolutely flabbergasted, and I still am, now 13 days later. (The 'extra' ones threw up an independently interesting phenomenon - with an ABC flavour to it - which I won't bore you with).
Am I merely rediscovering well-known material? I can't find my personal copy of Volume 1 of Dickson (an obvious place to look), and you'll understand that I'm reluctant to send a query to the NT mailing list, in case this really is new. I thought I would not wish to hear bad news, but now that I've written this out of my system, I think I'm prepared to hear the worst. I hope all is well with you. John
And a few hours later I sent this :
From: [email protected]
To: Andrew Granville (E-mail)
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: ALL p with (((p-1)/3)!)^3 =3D 1 (mod p)
Sent: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 22:33:48 +0000
Dear Andrew,
Cycling home I had an idea which clarified many of the loose intuitions that I've fumbled with over the past weeks, and then - quite suddenly - it all came together for me in one single moment (I have all the motivating squiggles here in my lap): it appeared to me that the p's that force (((p - 1)/3)!)^3 =1 (mod p) to happen are *exclusively*
the prime values of the quadratic 27*x^2 + 27*x + 7 !!!!!!!!!
I should tell you something, just so you don't think I'm being too mystical about this: that polynomial actually came about from my making up (prime) p =3*m^2 + 3*m + 1, with m^2 + m <> 0 (mod 3), forcing m = 3*X +1, and so producing the 27*X^2 etc. And - while I'm at it - the p =3*m^2+ 3*m + 1 came from p-1 =3*p[1]*p[2]*p[3]*...*p[r], *none* of the p[i]= being '3', and such that they divided into two (necessarily disjoint) sets whose products differed by exactly 1. Thus, for example, in the case p = 3571 - a case that made no sense to me years ago, it wasn't one of those that satisfied the congruence observation I told you about earlier - p-1 = 2*[3]*5*7*17, and here 5*7 - 2*17 = 1. I've tried to paste in the Maple output from:
> for x from 0 to 200 do
if isprime(27*x^2 + 27*x + 7)
then print(x, 27*x^2 + 27*x + 7)
fi od;
0, 7
1, 61
3, 331
4, 547
8, 1951
9, 2437
11, 3571
12, 4219
16, 7351
17, 8269
18, 9241
19, 10267
22, 13669
29, 23497
30, 25117
45, 55897
47, 60919
52, 74419
57, 89269
58, 92401
61, 102121
64, 112327
65, 115837
68, 126691
73, 145861
79, 170647
86, 202021
92, 231019
94, 241117
95, 246247
96, 251431
99, 267307
102, 283669
110, 329677
113, 347821
115, 360187
117, 372769
121, 398581
129, 452797
130, 459817
148, 595411
149, 603457
150, 611557
151, 619711
152, 627919
170, 784897
173, 812761
180, 879667
183, 909151
185, 929077
186, 939121
191, 990151
194, 1021417
199, 1074607
200, 1085407
I don't know how that will appear on your screen. I apologise most sincerely if I am only telling you something well-known, and I'll never bother you again. So much for my beautiful cube-square relationship (I don't mean that, for the cube-square insight is the most beautiful matahematical experience I think I've had in my life). And now I simply must go to bed; I haven't had a proper sleep for weeks. John
I do not intend putting Andrew Granville's responses into the public domain, but suffice it here to record that withing days of commencing a frenetic correspondence he came up with a proof of Theorems 1 and 2, using theorems of Gauss and Jacobi from the 1820's together with more recent (1980) joint work of R. H. Hudson and K. S. Williams, as detailed in the Canadian Math. Soc. monograph Gauss and Jacobi Sums . Those proofs will appear in my yet to be submitted paper.